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Half way there

I am super excited to share that I have successfully completed the first semester at EPHS teaching part time ALL ON MY OWN. Can we celebrate and have a 10 second dance party right now?

Let's begin at the beginning: (SKIP ahead if you already know this :-)

Friday 5/1/15 => Math Conference Trip to Duluth, MN. Six math teachers packed into a Ford SUV. Road trippin for a fun (and sorta geeky) weekend of learning what to incorporate into our classrooms. Loads of fun with these six teachers (and one that followed behind in his own car). And (obvi if you know me) - secret snacks hiding for Brenda and I in the 3rd row back seat that we planned ahead of time. We ate bacon, muffins, sipped on coffee, told jokes, and even talked about how I needed to put my seatbelt on. (Which I did reluctantly after hearing a voice - not from the others - tell me to do so). We played a game of catch phrase. Joked through the game with peoples' descriptions. Seriously fun. And then... all of a sudden, excuse me but sh!t hit the fan... the tire came off the car. The one right under where I was sitting. We were going roughly 80 mpg, we rolled 4 times and landed in a ditch on 35W northbound.

How does a tire just come off?! I remember vividly the car flying into the air, Brenda and I hitting our heads on the roof of the car, and then ----- blank ----- nothing after that until I woke up (who knows how many minutes later) to one of the teachers yelling "Smoke!" we gotta get them out (meaning Brenda and I). Guessing the car was about to go on fire - my co-worker Frank tried to help me get out. He told me to try to get through the window, but it was just to smashed for me to fit.

Freaking out, Brenda limp beside me, not moving or making any noise, I began to panic.

Next a Miracle happens => Somehow I fit through a small space over the seat bench in front of me. I saw the driver's door open and climbed over the middle console and out the open drivers door.

Jenny was there at the door. She helped me out and helped me lay on the ground.

I don't remember much after that except for praying that I would live long enough to say goodbye to Josiah. That I'd get to see him before the good Lord took me home. I prayed and prayed that I could see him one more time. Jenny found a phone. I called Josiah (in my mind thinking this was goodbye told him I was ok even though I was hurting like H - E - double toothpicks).

Fast forward through emergency rooms, hospital stays, etc. I ended up with a myriad of issues.

--broke the T12 vertebrae in my spine, had to wear a TLSO (turtle shell) for little over 3 months

--bruised my lungs and upper body pretty badly

--traumatic brain injury that caused a whole crap ton of problems with speech, fine motor skills with my hands/arms, trouble processing, headaches, vertigo... list goes on as the brain basically controls your whole body

--nystagmus with my eyes, and extreme sensitivity to bright lights or quick moving objects/visuals

--post traumatic stress disorder

--you get the idea. I had to say the least "issues"

For a few months after the accident, it felt like I was living in a pit of despair. I needed so much help to do the simplest things like washing my breakfast bowl or getting in/out of bed. There was a lot I couldn't do on my own. My spouse Josiah, my family, my friends, my care team at Courage Kenny Rehab. each gave me incredible amounts of help in every aspect of life.

(START HERE if you know the back story


Jump forward 2 years and 8 months to today. Cause this is the BEST part and reason for this post!!

Today is the end of the first semester at EPHS. This is the half-way mark in the school year. You guys. I am half way through this school year, doing the work on my own!!!!!

How frickin cool is that?! Having started where I was to this place where I am now - its light years different. God has been answering prayers and providing me with healing and hope. Just look back at this vehicle. You see that back row basically outside the smashed window in the rear - how did I survive that? Just how?! There is only one answer.

--God said it wasn't my time yet. So here I am, trying to live my best life. All the days I have lived since May 1, 2015 are positive days I shouldn't have had. Each day I try to be better than I was before by making a positive impact on those around me.

Today I am overwhelmed with emotions. I never believed I would come this far. For a really long time, I believed I wouldn't amount to much of anything after the accident because of how bad my injuries were. My brain had a lot of healing to do and after a year, we were pretty sad to see how much help I still needed to do basic things.

Time still ticked on & fast forward one more year:

- I am kicking some ass! JK. I don't mean that literally. I am still kickin and fighting hard for a life that is meaningful to not only me, but those around me - even to my students who I teach every day. I want you to know that life is a beautiful gift. I owe my life to the one who saved me, to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

2018 - I am coming for ya. I am going to kick some a$$ by continuing to work hard. Starting next week is a new semester, and guess what y'all?! I am moving to full time. Again, kicking a$$. (NO apologies there 😜) That additional class will require a co-teacher for now, and I am ok with that.

My friends:

Go out there. Your mountain is waiting. So get on your way. It won't be easy. But looking back, it is oh-so-worth it. Believe me.

You got this. I am rooting for you.

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