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small acts of kindness

Little Rachie Girl. That's me in the photo right therrrrrr.

Just a little kindergartner with the whole world ahead of me.

As I have gotten older, I have learned some things. Things like (in no particular order)

--Best friends help pick you up when you are down

--Life isn't always fair

--People aren't always kind

--Cheetos are the best snack

--Puppies cure a frown

--Prayer gives me peace

I have also learned that everyone experiences struggles and are in need of _______. Something.

That's it. Right there. If we can just stop for a second, and realize that everyone is in need of _____, then maybe we could also realize that small acts of kindness go a long way... that kindness makes the world a little better.

I have been writing this blog to help cope with a "new" life. A changed life after surviving a terrible car accident. AND, I am also writing this blog to process what is most important to me.

Short and sweet, today's message is kindness.

Update/Progress for me so far:

I am working everyday! Yay!

I teach 2 block classes everyday with a co-teacher. (College Algebra & Trigonometry). My co-teacher: she is awesome, helpful, and can read me like a book. She knows just when to step in and pick up the class when I am struggling. Ellen is her name and she is a blessing from God.

I have a change in my care team at Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Center in MN and have doctors that look out for me and have helped me make HUGE strides in recovery. Starting with PTSD, T12 vertebrae compression fracture, and brain injury. I would not be where I am today without the help of this amazing facility.

My goal is to learn by the rest of the school year if I can manage 2 classes by myself to have an idea where I'll be at for next school year. Teaching solo? Haven't done that since April 30th, 2015.

GIGANTIC goal, but don't forget, I am a bad ass chick that will never give up. God gave me tools to help along the way too. Can't forget that! He gave me patience, strength, perseverance, and hope. He gave me a husband that takes care of me when I need it. He gave me family that is continually there for me; praying me through this. AND He gave me friends that dropped by with dinner/lunch/company/rides to treatment. Blessed. That is what I am. Blessed to have the help I have had along the say.

EVERYONE around me has given me small acts of kindness and today's the day where I wanna thank ya. I couldn't have done it without ya. You know who you are... family, friends, co-workers, etc. I am extremely humbled by the love and care sent my way.


Truly makes a difference. Now GO. Go be kind to someone. Purpose to do one small thing today. You won't regret it.

Colossians 3:12

"Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience."

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