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finding a place of peace

Before you begin to read this blog post, I want to ask a favor of you...

Think hard to yourself and imagine what a place of peace would look like for you.

What kind of place is it?

What colors do you see?

Is this a place you have been before?

Are there people there with you?

Why did you pick this place?

I want to show you mine.

I want to keep the name of my place a secret. If you are close to me, I know you could easily guess this place. This is a sunset in a place that I love. To me, this place brings peace, happiness, and is incredibly restful. In the future I would love to live here.

A place of peace doesn't have to be a place to run off to-- I am realizing it can be a place to stay if we choose. If it isn't possible for you to live there, I challenge you to think of your place of peace at any time you feel troubled, worried, or like the chaos of life is getting the best of you. Go there in your mind. Spend a few minutes there and rest until you are ready to get back to the tasks ahead of you.

In this short post I want to challenge you to find a place that makes you happy. Find that place that brings your soul happiness. Life is so short. We don't know what tomorrow will bring, and that means we have to make today all the more meaningful. Follow what you believe in and don't sell yourself short. Be courageous in all you do. Live with passion.

And most of all, be kind to one another. Kindness is what our world needs.

I leave you with this verse that has been speaking to me today.

Galatians 5:13

"You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do no use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love."


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