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the just shall live by his faith

This past week, my hubby and I read the book of Habakkuk. The lesson I learned from this book is this: the just shall live by his faith.

In the book, God responds to Habakkuk's complaints and questions about life. God's response is simple: trust Him. God discusses the importance of building a foundation in an understanding of His character and sovereign ways. God also discusses the need to remain strong and faithful in the midst of affliction and trials. This is not a one-time-deal kind of faith... it is a way of life that is to be continually kept. A true believer habitually perseveres in faith.

My favorite verse is the very last one of the book:

Habakkuk 3:19

"The Lord God is my strength;

He will make my feet like deer's feet,

and He will make me walk on my high hills."

I have a MacArthur study bible that interprets the last verse as follows...

"God's response to Habakkuk's perplexities not only promised divine wrath but also provided assurance of divine favor and hope. Security and hope were not based on temporal blessings but on the Lord Himself. This is the essence of "the just shall live by faith (2:4)." Habakkuk's faith in the Lord enabled him to endure the hardships of the imminent invasion, and all of his perplexing questions."

This is a lesson I needed to learn. I need to put my faith and hope in Christ no matter what my temporary circumstances are. My faith should be rooted in Christ because He is the Lord. He is worth of my praise and worship whether I am in the midst of blessings or trials. Wow. This is powerful.

Photo credit to my friend Stephanie :-)

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