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be strong & courageous

I have read the first 5 books of the Bible a few times over and typically trail off in consistency once I reach Joshua. So this year, I decided to start there. Joshua. With my brain not working quite like it used to, I forgot that one of my very favorite verses is in Joshua 1.

"Have I not commanded you?

Be strong and courageous.

Do not be afraid;

do not be discouraged,

for the Lord your God will be with you

wherever you go."

Joshua 1:9

I love that verse. Be strong and courageous. I find I repeat those words to myself a lot lately. Be strong and courageous. The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. How beautiful that no matter where we are, the Lord is there. It brings me a lot of peace to know that even in times of darkenss and struggle, the Lord is there. He is with us wherever we go. I hope that brings you peace today too.

Since the car accident, I have noticed God showing up a lot in my life. Little things here and there show me that He is watching over me. Indeed, He is with me. Can I give you some examples?

I hope you say yes. If that is the case, read on.

In no particular order, because that's how my brain works, here is what I can think of off the top of my head.

--1-- My coworker and friend, Angie, came to visit me one day during lunch not long after the accident. As we sat eating, there was a terrible car accident at the corner right next to my house. Angie checked it out while I stayed in the kitchen (away from windows to see). She made sure I didn't go see the accident and even stayed with me for a while afterwards till it was cleaned up. She noticed I was very anxious and she asked if I wanted to go for a walk later to help ease my fears. I believe God planned for her to help me on that specific day. She was there at just the right time to help when God knew I couldn't do it alone.

--2-- On one of the first Sundays that I went to church after the accident, the sermon was on anxiety, depression, and worry. The pastor at Hope Community Church, Steve Treichler, discussed a cure from Luke 12:22-34. I mean, really?! This was exactly what I needed. I found myself trapped in fear and anxiety after the accident and this is exactly what God knew that I needed to hear.

In short the sermon went through 4 main reasons not to worry.

Reason #1 – Life is more than food… Luke 12:23

Reason #2 – Does worrying work? Luke 12:24-26

Reason #3 – What’s at the root of worry? Luke 12:27-28

Reason #4 – Do you understand the pleasure and care of God to you? – Luke 12:29-30

& Then The Anxiety “Cure” – Do a treasure hunt! Luke 12:31-34

Here is the link to the sermon if you are interested:

--3-- I have posted this on my previous post titled "May 1 and a 'new' life", but it is worth mentioning again because this one saved my life. I distinctly heard a voice tell me to put my seatbelt on about an hour before the crash. Not once even, twice! After the first time I heard it, "Rachel, put on your seatbelt..." I said nah, no thanks. Then there it was again, that voice telling me "Rachel, you need to put on your seatbelt..." And I did, reluctantly I should add. This saved my life. I know that God was speaking to me directly here. Had I not had my seatbelt on... I doubt I would be alive.

--4-- After being transported from the accident to an emergency room, I was so worried to say the least. I was in a lot of pain, but worst of all, I had believed that one of my coworkers and friend, Brenda, to be dead. I tried my best to stay calm, but I worried for her. She had much worse injuries than me. Because I couldn't see or hear her, I was fearing the worst. In the midst of the chaos at the hospital, there were people God placed there to help me stay calm. I asked coworkers to pray with me and the doctor overseeing me overheard. I don't remember the doctors name, but I asked him if he knew Jesus. He said "Yes, I am a gospel man!" Even my husband, Josiah, was able to make it there to pray with me and to help me remember that the Lord was watching over me.

I distinctly remember when I heard Brenda's voice, just a curtain away in the trauma room.

I called out to her and I asked her: "Brenda, do you know Jesus?"

She said, "Yes, Rachie, He is my Savior."

At that moment, I had only what I can describe as great relief. God spoke to me to not worry any more. Even if things weren't going to be "ok", I knew that in the greater scheme of things, Brenda was going to be ok. She had Jesus. I cannot say that it has been easy for either of us, but each of us has the courage to be strong because of the Lord. We believe in something greater than this life. We both believe God was going to use this accident for a greater good.

Remember this: the Lord is with you wherever you go.

I tell you this confidently because I am living proof.

I can go on with strength and courage because I have the Lord with me as I go.

I pray the same for you.

"Have I not commanded you?

Be strong and courageous.

Do not be afraid;

do not be discouraged,

for the Lord your God will be with you

wherever you go."

Joshua 1:9

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