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pray. do not lose heart

I will keep todays post short. It is easy to feel like giving up when you are waiting for the Lord to answer the same prayer. However I got a little piece of hope right here for you.

Paul says in Luke 18:1 "Then [Jesus] spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart."

Don't lose heart. In light of the difficulties and hardships in life, we should not lose heart. Pray always. The parable in Luke 18 goes on to tell a story of a wicked man who was constantly asked by a widow for justice. The man didn't give in to the widow because of compassion, rather he gave in to her because he was tired of hearing her incessant pleading. What we should learn from this parable is Jesus describes next. Jesus says that God is filled with compassion for believers who suffer and will respond to His followers who cry for His help. (Luke 18:7). BUT If the Lord does not respond right away, we need to believe that He does so for good reason. (2 Peter 3:8-9)

One more thought from this really good book I am reading by Timothy Keller titled Walking with God through Pain and Suffering. Timothy Keller says that God is so committed to our ultimate happiness that he was willing to plunge into the greatest depths of suffering himself. God understands us, he has been there, and he assures us that he has a plan to eventually wipe away every tear. (p. 121)

There is hope in Christ. Stay true, keep your trust in Him, do not lose heart... AND... continue to pray.


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