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Today I got to decorate my mamma and papa's house. As I pulled out the garland and lights, I found myself extremely thankful for the chance to be here to do this. Seems like a silly little thing... but for me, on that day in May... I really believed it was going to be my last day on Earth. I remember a million thoughts going through my head as I lay on the ground after getting out of the car. Flashes went through my mind of what I wanted to do before my time was up. I remember praying Lord, please let me stay alive long enough to say goodbye to Josiah and my family. I asked my coworker Jenny to hold my hand to pray.

AND guess what... Love came down and rescued me. I am still here. I believe I got a second chance to make this life more purposeful.

Back to today:

While I started to wrap the garland around the staircase at my parents house, a song came on that I love. If you don't know it, let me tell you, it is awesome. I cry everytime I hear it.

"Love came down" - by Brian Johnson


If my heart is overwhelmed and I cannot hear Your voice I’ll hold on to what is true though I cannot see If the storms of life they come and the road ahead gets steep I will lift these hands in faith I will believe

I remind myself of all that You've done

And the life I have because of Your Son

Love came down and rescued me Love came down and set me free I am Yours I am forever Yours Mountain high or valley low I sing out remind my soul That I am Yours I am forever Yours


Today I am so grateful for the gift of life. Although I struggle daily headaches, back pain, trouble proccessing, and issues with my speech, I was granted that prayer I asked for. I prayed for God to let me see my husband and family one more time. This Christmas we will all be together. I am a believer that this is a gift of grace. I do not deserve this gift. I feel blessed. Thanks be to God for rescuing me.

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